Knowing in advance what this meeting is, and its purpose can save you a little bit of heartache. If you're experiencing workplace bullying there will come a time when you get called on to attend 'the meeting'. Article the workplace bully 'ambush' meeting know bull. While the graphic did not warrant a rerating of the game in and of itself, upon review, the esrb noted that the game contained much more explicit violence than had been submitted to them in the original rating submission. Rerated to 'mature' by the esrb after a thirdparty mod revealed a nude topless graphic hidden in the game's data files. List of controversial video games wikipedia. 23 bully save game files all bully saves are located.
9 bully other any modifications that do not fit in the above categories. 2 bully tools tools for modding bully go in here. This includes files such as handling, timecyc, pedpop, etc. Bully configuration data any modifications to the configuration or statistics data files go here. Bullyboard is a community forum where fans of the bully video game series by rockstar games can come to get tips, cheats and discuss the wonderful world that is bullworth academy.